Minutes: December 2018


Clermont County Public Library

Board of Trustees

December 17, 2018

Miami Township Branch


Present: Joseph Braun, Judith Kocica, Tony Cardinal, Tricia Lyons

Absent: Bob Pautke; Patricia Pryor (arrived at 6:22 p.m.); M. E. Steele-Pierce (participated by phone, but did not vote)

Staff:  Maura Gray, Chris Wick, Leslie Jacobs, Theresa Herron, Marcia Troknya, Melanie Smithey, Tracey McCullough, Laurie Henry, Andrea Brofft, Karen Kimmerly, Amy Buskey, Robb Hirschauer, Lynn Baird, Andrew Hissett, Jeanne Tomlin, Lisa Proctor, Hilda Lindner-Knepp, Amy Vogel, Laura Eckert

Guests: Jeannette Nichols, Assistant Prosecuting Attorney

Mr. Braun called the meeting to order at 6:09 p.m.


Roll Call: Joseph Braun, here; Judith Kocica, here; Tony Cardinal, here; Tricia Lyons, here

Everyone rose to recite the Pledge of Allegiance.


Mr. Braun asked for amendments, corrections or additions to the October 15, 2018 minutes. No revisions were submitted.

Ms. Kocica made a motion to approve the October 15, 2018 minutes, as mailed.  Mr. Cardinal seconded the motion.  All present were in favor, none opposed. The motion was adopted and the minutes were approved.


Mr. Braun stated that a quorum was not present at the board meeting to approve the October 22, 2018 minutes.  A motion to approve the minutes will be added to the January 14, 2018 meeting.



Mr. Braun invited any public matters to be brought forth to the board.  The following members of the public addressed the board:

Chris Hicks,

-requesting the resignation of Mr. Braun

Ed McCoy,

-requesting the resignation of Mr. Braun

Martin Marx,

-Inquired about the date for the next budget committee meeting;

-Requesting transparency with rent collected for the 326 Broadway property;

-Requesting the board meetings to be video recorded and made available online.


Ms. Pryor arrived at 6:22 p.m.



Ms. Gray thanked the administration team for assisting Ms. Smithey in the fiscal department during her recent absence.

Ms. Gray submitted the October financial report which consisted of: the bank reconciliation; the October/November 2018 check register; the MTD and YTD fund reports; the MTD and YTD bank reports; the system balancing report; and the PLF.  Ms. Gray stated that the annual PLF is approximately $639,000.00 above the estimate on the original certificate.  Ms. Gray also submitted annual merit increase options in the October financial report.

Ms. Gray introduced Resolution R-2018-35: 2019 Temporary Appropriation; and Resolution R-2018-35:  Advance of Taxes. Ms. Gray stated that Resolution R-2018-35 is a temporary appropriation in accordance with ORC 5705.38 with the intent to pass the final appropriation by March 31, 2019.

Ms. Gray submitted the November financial report which consisted of: the bank reconciliation; the November 2018 check register; the MTD and YTD fund reports; the MTD and YTD bank reports; and the system balancing report.

Ms. Gray introduced Resolution R-2018-37: Acceptance of gifts to the library; and Resolution R-2018-38:  Disposal of unneeded or obsolete inventory.

Mr. Cardinal made a motion to approve the October financial report.  Ms. Lyons seconded the motion.  All present were in favor, with the exception of Mr. Braun who recused himself. The motion was adopted.

Ms. Kocica made a motion to approve the October bills, as listed.  Mr. Cardinal seconded the motion.  All present were in favor, with the exception of Mr. Braun, who recused himself. The motion was adopted.

Mr. Cardinal made a motion to approve the November bills, as listed.  Ms. Kocica seconded the motion.  All present were in favor, none opposed. The motion was adopted.

Mr. Cardinal made a motion to approve the November financial report.  Ms. Lyons seconded the motion.  All present were in favor, none opposed. The motion was adopted.



The director’s report was submitted.

Ms. Wick stated that the Library is in the middle of the strategic planning process for the 2019-21 cycle.  The Library is looking at implementing strategic goals to use with the long range vision plan.  A SWOT analysis was conducted with branch managers and will be extended to the branch staff and also to the public.

Ms. Wick and Ms. Baird are working on revising and bringing back the educator’s card.  Ms. Wick distributed the 2017 Annual Report and the 2019 January/February event calendar.

The annual staff holiday video is now available for viewing on Facebook and YouTube and is based off of the Twelve Days of Christmas song.  Ms. Wick recognized Kevin Isaacs, youth services specialist at Miami Township, for rewriting the words for the song and Ms. Breithaupt for her role in the video.  She stated that all staff involved did a great job.

Ms. Wick stated that the marketing department is working on the 2019 Ready to Read Festival, which is a celebration of early literacy and Every Child Ready to Read @ Your Library.  The department is also working on marketing the mental health first aid training program.  The Library received a grant to provide the training to staff and the public.

Ms. Wick, Ms. Gray, Ms. Baird and Ms. Herron are working on a Welcome Back campaign.  While it is not a traditional amnesty program, patrons with excessive fines will be charged a flat rate plus any collection agency fees.  The intent is to increase patron access to and usage of library materials and services.

The Library will be conducting a science fair in March at the Clermont County Fairgrounds.  Youth services staff from the New Richmond, Union Township and Amelia branches are working in collaboration to host informational sessions at the branches prior to the event.

The annual LibrariCon program was a huge success.  Ms. Wick recognized Margaret Steward, youth services specialist at the Union Township branch, for being the team lead for the program. She also recognized Tracey McCullough, programming manager, and the staff involved for their hard work.

Ms. Wick stated that the Veteran’s Tribute program at the Tri-State Warbird Museum was an excellent, out of the box program conducted by Beth Flerlage.  The event at the museum was preceded by a series of Living History lectures at the Amelia branch.  Mr. Pautke was the keynote speaker at the Warbird Museum program.

The Puppet Troupe will be taking a break for the 2019 year so that the staff can focus on library services and outreach at the branch level.  Ms. Wick recognized Amy Buskey, who was in attendance, and others, for their dedication and participation on the troupe.  She stated that the troupe has done a great job.

The Library is working with Success by 6 to expand the Rx for Reading Success program with Healthsouce of Ohio’s Eastgate pediatric office.

Ms. Wick stated that the annual holiday open houses and gingerbread events are occurring at all ten branches.  The Miami Township branch had over three hundred attendees at their open house.

In response to a news article a few months prior, Ms. Wick stated that the Library has not received Narcan or additional information regarding a nationwide distribution of Narcan at local libraries.  Ms. Wick has talked with the branch managers and the narcotics unit commander of the sheriffs’ office.  The library will maintain its current procedures and will not be a distribution point for Narcan.

Work has begun on the Owensville facility to move the training room in order to expand the meeting room.

Ms. Wick stated that the Library will begin auto-renewals in the January 2019.

The Days of Wonder School has moved into the 326 Broadway property with temporary occupancy.  Ms. Wick stated that the permanent occupancy is expected soon.

Ms. Wick submitted information to the board regarding OLC membership, to be discussed at the January 14, 2018 meeting.

Ms. Wick submitted the 2016-18 Strategic Plan update.  She stated the Library did an excellent job meeting its goals.  She also submitted the third quarter engagement statistics.




2018 PLF Overview:

The 2018 PLF was submitted with the October 2018 financial report.  Ms. Gray stated that the 2018 PLF exceeded the original and revised state estimates, as well as the Library’s original budgeted estimate.

2019 Merit Increase Options for 2019:

Ms. Kocica stated that due to the cancellation of the December Budget Committee meeting, the discussion on merit increases is on hold until the January 14, 2018 meeting.

Ms. Kocica made a motion to approve Resolution R-2018-35: 2019 Temporary Appropriation. Ms. Cardinal seconded the motion.  All present were in favor, none opposed.  The resolution was adopted. The temporary appropriation allocates $3 million in the General Fund (101); $10,000 in the Grants Fund (201); $25,000 in the 27th Pay/Accrued Leave Fund (207); and $200,000 in the Capital Projects Fund (400).

Ms. Kocica made a motion to approve Resolution R-2018-36: Advance of Taxes.  Mr. Cardinal seconded the motion.  All present were in favor, none opposed.  The resolution was adopted.

Ms. Pryor made a motion to approve Resolution R-2018-37: Acceptance of gifts to the library: donations as listed.  Ms. Kocica seconded the motion.  All present were in favor, none opposed.  The resolution was adopted.

Ms. Pryor made a motion to approve Resolution R-2018-38: Disposal of unneeded or obsolete library material.  Ms. Lyons seconded the motion.  Roll call vote: Mr. Braun, aye; Ms. Kocica, aye; Mr. Cardinal, aye; Ms. Pryor, aye; Ms. Lyons, aye.   All present were in favor, none opposed. The resolution was adopted.

By-Laws Revision:

Revisions were submitted to article 3, section 1 regarding the frequency of board meetings.  The revisions were reviewed by legal counsel with additional changes proposed by Ms. Nichols.  Mr. Braun requested a motion to approve the revisions as submitted, with the intent to consider revising and expanding the by-laws over the next 30 days. Ms. Cardinal made a motion to approve the by-laws revisions, as submitted.  Ms. Lyons seconded the motion.  All present were in favor, none opposed. The motion was adopted.



Mr. Braun appointed Mr. Cardinal and Ms. Lyons to the committee to nominate board officers at the January 2019 meeting.


Mr. Braun stated that Mr. Pautke has resigned from the board effective the close of the December 17, 2018 board meeting.


Mr. Braun also stated that it was Ms. Pryor’s last board meeting.  Her term expires on December 31, 2018.  Ms. Pryor stated that it was a pleasure serving on the library board.  She stated that the Library is a great system and she is proud of her years of service on the board.  Mr. Braun thanked Mr. Pryor for her time on the board, stating that he appreciated her insights with regard to HR law.


Ms. Kocica stated that on Wednesday, December 19, 2018 at the county commissioners meeting, Adam Bird, Superintendant for the New Richmond Exempted Village Schools, is being considered for appointment to the library board.


Ms. Pryor made a motion to adjourn.  Ms. Lyons seconded the motion. All present were in favor, none opposed. The meeting adjourned at 6:59 p.m.





___________________                 _______________________________________

Board President                                                            Board Secretary




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