Minutes: July 2018




JULY 9, 2018




Present: Joseph Braun, Judith Kocica, M.E. Steele-Pierce, Tony Cardinal, Tricia Lyons

Staff:  Chris Wick, Maura Gray, Theresa Herron, Marcia Troknya, Lynn Baird, Lisa Breithaupt, Amy Vogel, Melanie Smithey, Tracey McCullough, Emily Wichman, Robb Hirschauer, Allison Lehman

Absent: Bob Pautke, Patricia Pryor (arrived at 6:15 p.m.)

Mr. Braun called the meeting to order at 6:06 p.m.


Roll Call: Joseph Braun, here; Judith Kocica, here; Dr. Steele-Pierce, here; Tony Cardinal, here; Tricia Lyons, here

Everyone rose to recite the Pledge of Allegiance.

JUNE 11, 2018 MINUTES:

Mr. Braun asked for amendments, corrections or additions to the June 11, 2018 minutes. No revisions were submitted.

Dr. Steele-Pierce made a motion to approve the June 11, 2018 minutes, as mailed.  Mr. Cardinal seconded the motion.  All present were in favor, none opposed.  The motion was adopted and the minutes were approved.


Mr. Braun invited any public matters to be brought forth to the board.  No discussion occurred.


Ms. Gray gave an account of the June 2018 financial report which consisted of: the bank reconciliation; the June 2018 check register; the MTD and YTD fund reports; the MTD and YTD bank reports; the system balancing report; and a detailed expense report for Fund 409.  Ms. Gray stated that the state released an updated PLF estimate with an increase of $163,000.  The July PLF showed an additional $25,000 increase.

Mr. Cardinal made a motion to approve the June financial report.  Ms. Lyons seconded the motion.  All present were in favor, none opposed.  The motion was adopted.

Dr. Steele-Pierce made a motion to approve the June bills, as listed.  Mr. Cardinal seconded the motion.  All present were in favor, with the exception of Mr. Braun, who abstained.  The motion was adopted.


The director’s report was submitted.  Ms. Wick thanked Ms. Kocica for attending the Williamsburg 30th anniversary celebration and speaking on behalf of the board.  She also thanked Ms. Wichman, Williamsburg branch manager, for speaking at the event and promoting library advocacy.    Ms. Wick stated that the graphic designer has done a great job with updating library signage which has been implemented at Williamsburg and Miami Township.


Ms. Wick stated that the library is also in the process of updating the website for ADA accessibility compliance.


Ms. Schmidt has confirmed her availability for the flag pole dedication at the Miami Township branch.  The August 13th board meeting will be moved to the Miami Township branch with the flag pole dedication at the conclusion of the meeting.


Ms. Wick highlighted a Facebook comment from a Miami Township patron that promoted the branch and its new design elements.


Ohio Chautauqua visited New Richmond.  Ms. Wick stated that New Richmond staff showcased the library and lifelong learning with daily events at the branch and hands-on activities.


Ms. Wick stated that fifty-one preschoolers have completed the 1000 Books Before Kindergarten program, which amounts to 51,000 books read.  Currently there are 1,149 children registered for the campaign.   Success of the program has also been promoted on Facebook.


The Summer Reading program enrollment has increased twenty-seven percent from last year.  Ms. Wick stated that the adult readers group represents a high enrollment growth with a thirty-seven percent increase.


Ms. Pryor arrived at 6:15 p.m.


Ms. Wick stated that the Bethel branch collaborated with Empower Youth at their free picnic in the park on Wednesday, June 13, 2018.  The library provided the entertainment by hosting a visit from Honey Hill Farm Petting Zoo.  Over 750 people attended.


Ms. Wick stated that the Miami Township branch continues to have high circulation.  Detail of the current statistics was provided in the written director’s report.


Ms. Wick stated that she is still working on gathering and analyzing data on branch hours and staffing. She has met with the branches and has been engaged in conversations with the staff to determine the needs of the branches and their communities regarding library operating hours.  The marketing department has released a survey to gather public input, as well.  Discussion occurred regarding the various options for adjusting the opening and closing hours of the branches, as well as increasing hours.  Consideration for outreach to schools and accessibility for all patrons was discussed.  Ms. Wick will provide her recommendation to the board at the October 2018 meeting.


Ms. Wick stated that Elijah Cliffe has completed his Eagle Scout project with the Library.  Five benches were built and installed outside of the Miami Township branch. Two benches were installed at the Administration entrance.



Miami Township Flagpole Dedication:

Ms. Wick restated that Ms. Schmidt has confirmed her availability for the flag pole dedication at the Miami Township branch.  The August 13th board meeting will be moved to the Miami Township branch with the flag pole dedication at 7:00 p.m.


Miami Township:

Ms. Wick submitted a report from CPS, Ltd. that listed the outstanding construction items.  Mr. Hirschauer stated that three items were punchlist items: remove erosion control at Mulberry field; remove blue drum at end of administration parking lot; and proper capping of conduit at the administration entrance yard sign. Two additional items on the report have since been completed (items 8 and 12).  Mr. Hirschauer stated that the remaining items are warranty items.


Vacation Usage Report:

The vacation usage report was submitted.  Ms. Wick stated that implementing a minimum vacation usage requirement could negatively impact the ability to open the branches on time.  She does not recommend making a change or implementing a minimum usage requirement.


Ms. Gray stated that she reviewed a sampling of payroll transmittals and timesheets looking for any misuse of accrued time.  She stated that she did not find any abuse of usage.  Ms. Gray read part of a 2012 memo from Human Resources directing staff to use accrued time to make up for any missed hours of work. The board discussed the current sick and vacation usage procedures in place. Ms. Wick stated that tracking logs are used by managers to record tardiness and absenteeism, which is used for performance evaluations.  Ms. Kocica stated that she does not like the current system of usage that is in place.  After further discussion, the board did not take action to change usage procedures.



Dr. Steele-Pierce made a motion to approve Resolution R-2018-24: Acceptance of gifts to the library: donations as listed.  Ms. Kocica seconded the motion.  All present were in favor, none opposed.  The resolution was adopted.

Ms. Pryor made a motion to approve Resolution R-2018-25: Disposal of unneeded or obsolete library material.  Mr. Cardinal seconded the motion.  Roll call vote: Mr. Braun, aye; Ms. Kocica, aye; Mr. Cardinal, aye; Ms. Pryor, aye; Dr. Steele-Pierce, aye; Ms. Lyons, aye.   All present were in favor, none opposed. The resolution was adopted.

2019 Board of Trustee Meeting Dates:

Ms. Kocica requested that one of the meetings take place at the Amelia branch.  Ms. Pryor also recommended that meetings continue to take place at the Union Township branch, because of its more central location in the county.  The November 2019 meeting will be moved to November 18, 2018.

Director and Fiscal Officer Job Descriptions:

Ms. Wick and Ms. Gray submitted proposed job descriptions for their positions.  Dr. Steele-Pierce stated that the process of updating the job descriptions has been ongoing for two years.  The Director recommended that the job descriptions be reviewed by Human Resources and submitted for approval at the August 2018 board meeting.


Mr. Braun entertained a motion to go into executive session to consider the appointment, employment, dismissal, discipline, promotion, demotion, or compensation of a public employee or official per the terms and conditions of ORC 121.22 (G) (1).  Mr. Cardinal made a motion to go into executive session; Ms. Lyons seconded the motion.  Roll call vote: Mr. Braun, aye; Ms. Kocica, aye; Mr. Cardinal, aye; Dr. Steele-Pierce, aye; Ms. Pryor, aye; Ms. Lyons, aye.  The board went into executive session at 7:05 p.m.

The board came out of executive session at 7:16 p.m.

Ms. Pryor made a motion to adjourn. Ms. Lyons seconded the motion. All present were in favor, none opposed. The meeting adjourned at 7:17 p.m.



____________________________________                        _______________________________________

Board President                                                                            Board Secretary




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