Minutes: October 2018




OCTOBER 15, 2018



Present: Joseph Braun, Judith Kocica, M.E. Steele-Pierce, Tony Cardinal, Bob Pautke, Tricia Lyons

Absent: Patricia Pryor

Staff:  Maura Gray, Chris Wick, Leslie Jacobs, Theresa Herron, Marcia Troknya, Melanie Smithey, Tracey McCullough, Laurie Henry, Jessica Bell, Andrea Brofft, Karen Kimmerly, Amy Buskey, Robb Hirschauer, Lynn Baird

Guests: Jeannette Nichols, Assistant Prosecuting Attorney

Mr. Braun called the meeting to order at 6:13 p.m.


Roll Call: Joseph Braun, here; Judith Kocica, here; Bob Pautke, here; Dr. Steele-Pierce, here; Tony Cardinal, here; Tricia Lyons, here

Everyone rose to recite the Pledge of Allegiance.


Mr. Braun asked for amendments, corrections or additions to the September 17, 2018 minutes. No revisions were submitted.

Dr. Steele-Pierce made a motion to approve the September 17, 2018 minutes, as mailed.  Mr. Cardinal seconded the motion.  All present were in favor, with the exception of Mr. Pautke and Ms. Lyons, who abstained.  The motion was adopted and the minutes were approved.


Mr. Braun invited any public matters to be brought forth to the board.  The following members of the public addressed the board:

Requesting reinstatement as a volunteer:

Todd Wessler, Miami Township


Concern regarding reducing the number of 2019 Board of Trustees meeting dates:

Martin Marx, Democratic Socialists of Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky


Ms. Gray submitted the September financial report which consisted of: the bank reconciliation; the September 2018 check register; the MTD and YTD fund reports; the MTD and YTD bank reports; the system balancing report; and a detailed expense report for Miami Township branch.  Ms. Gray stated that the Library has made the final payment to DER for the Miami Township branch.  The PLF and the quarterly financial report were also submitted.

Mr. Cardinal made a motion to approve the September financial report.  Dr. Steele-Pierce seconded the motion.  All present were in favor. The motion was adopted.

Ms. Kocica made a motion to approve the September bills, as listed.  Dr. Steele-Pierce seconded the motion.  All present were in favor, with the exception of Mr. Braun, who abstained. The motion was adopted.


The director’s report was submitted.

Ms. Wick stated that this year’s Giving Tree program will benefit Clermont County foster families.  The library is collecting items that will be donated to Warm Welcome Foster Care Outreach for comfort bags for foster children. Ms. McCullough contributed additional details of the program.  She also stated that this is the first year that the Library has partnered with Warm Welcome Foster Care.  Ms. Wick thanked Ms. McCullough for her hard work on the program.

LibrariCon will take place at the Union Township branch on November 3, 2018.  Ms. Wick invited the board to attend.  She stated that the annual event attracts a wide demographic.  Activities will include craft stations, cosplay and an 80s themed escape room.

The Library is hosting author Nick Bruel on October 18, 2018 at the Miami Township branch, as part of Books by the Banks.

Ms. Wick asked the board to consider an institutional membership with the Ohio Library Council.  The board briefly discussed the cost and benefits of the membership.  Ms. Wick stated that she will have more information for the board at the December meeting.

Ms. Wick thanked Mr. Braun, Mr. Pautke and Dr. Steele-Pierce for attending Staff Development Day on October 8, 2018.  The staff was introduced to the Disney customer service approach and participated in a values exercise to identify strengths and weaknesses for the library system.

Mr. Braun stated that it was nice to interact with staff in a relaxed environment.  He also stated that the board is approachable; staff are encouraged to reach out to the board via email.



2019 Board of Trustees Meeting Dates:

The board reviewed and discussed the option to move the meetings to the third Monday of each month for 2019.  They also discussed reducing the number of meeting dates.  Ms. Lyons made a motion to approve the 2019 Board of Trustees meeting dates, as amended.  Dr. Steele-Pierce seconded the motion.  All present were in favor, none opposed.  The motion was adopted.

Additional Staffing for Miami and Union Township Branches:

Ms. Wick requested the addition of a full-time Library Assistant Specialist position for the Miami Township branch and a full-time Library Assistant Specialist position for the Union Township branch.  The board discussed the submitted request and the need for additional staffing.  They also reviewed the door counts for the two locations as compared to the other branches.  Ms. Henry, Miami Township branch manager, stated that the addition of a full-time Library Assistant Specialist will free up the youth service specialist staff for outreach and programming.

The board discussed the budgetary impact of adding the two positions and the current PLF estimate.  Ms. Gray gave an account of the positions added, reclassified, and not backfilled since 2016.

Ms. Kocica requested that the addition of the full-time Library Assistant Specialist positions be effective January 2019.   Mr. Pautke made a motion to approve the addition of a full-time Library Assistant Specialist position for the Miami Township branch and a full-time Library Assistant Specialist position for the Union Township branch effective the first pay period of 2019.  Dr. Steele-Pierce seconded the motion.  All present were in favor, none opposed.  The motion was adopted.



Dr. Steele-Pierce made a motion to approve Resolution R-2018-33: Acceptance of gifts to the library: donations as listed.  Ms. Lyons seconded the motion.  All present were in favor, none opposed.  The resolution was adopted.

Dr. Steele-Pierce made a motion to approve Resolution R-2018-34: Disposal of unneeded or obsolete library material.  Ms. Kocica seconded the motion.  Roll call vote: Mr. Braun, aye; Ms. Kocica, aye; Mr. Cardinal, aye; Mr. Pautke, aye; Dr. Steele-Pierce, aye; Ms. Lyons, aye.   All present were in favor, none opposed. The resolution was adopted.

Hours Expansion:

Ms. Wick requested additional time to gather and review data before making a proposal for expanding hours.  The board was in agreement. Ms. Wick will continue to gather data including hour-by-hour door counts at the branches and meet with the branch managers regarding mock schedules.

Ms. Wick requested a building committee meeting to discuss future capital projects and proposed improvements.  Mr. Braun requested that she circulate dates to the committee for the proposed meeting.


Mr. Braun entertained a motion to go into executive session to consider the employment, dismissal, discipline, or demotion of a public employee or official per the terms and conditions of ORC 121.22 (G) (1).  Mr. Pautke made a motion to go into executive session; Mr. Cardinal seconded the motion.  Roll call vote: Mr. Braun, aye; Ms. Kocica, aye; Mr. Cardinal, aye; Dr. Steele-Pierce, aye; Ms. Lyons, aye; Mr. Pautke, aye.  The board went into executive session at 7:35 p.m.

The board came out of executive session at 9:19 p.m.

Mr. Pautke made a motion to adjourn. Ms. Lyons seconded the motion. All present were in favor, none opposed. The meeting adjourned at 9:20 p.m.



____________________________________                        _______________________________________

Board President                                                                            Board Secretary

