Minutes: January 2025
JANUARY 27, 2025
Present: Jennifer Doss, Ernie Ramos, Mary Jo Waite, Judith Kocica, Ed Humphrey, Katie Bock, Laurie Schlueter.
Staff: Chris Wick, Melanie Smithey, Debbie Williams, Andrea Brofft, Lynn Baird, Don Carpenter, Theresa Herron.
Ms. Doss called the meeting to order at 6 p.m.
Jennifer Doss, here; Ernie Ramos, here; Mary Jo Waite, here; Judith Kocica, here; Ed Humphrey, here; Katie Bock, here; Laurie Schlueter, here.
All present recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
Ms. Doss introduced new Board member Laurie Schlueter. Ms. Schlueter, who was sworn in on Friday, January 10, 2025, during her orientation with Ms. Wick and Ms. Smithey, briefly reviewed her background and experience.
Motion by Mr. Humphrey, seconded by Ms. Waite, to approve the December 16, 2024, Board meeting minutes. All present were in favor, none opposed. Motion was adopted.
Ms. Doss presented a PowerPoint about Board functions and responsibilities.
Appointment of standing committees:
- Building Committee: Ms. Waite, chair; Mr. Ramos, Ms. Bock.
- By-Law & Policy Review Committee: Ms. Doss, chair; Mr. Humphrey.
- Budget Committee: Ms. Kocica, chair; Mr. Ramos; Ms. Schlueter.
- Personnel Committee: Ms. Doss, chair; Ms. Bock.
Statement of Expectations:
Board members signed the Statement of Expectations at the end of the meeting.
Email reminders:
Ms. Doss reminded Board members to use their Library-provided email; to not use “reply all” ; to not copy an email to more than two Board members; and that emails are public documents and subject to records retention requirements.
It was decided that only Ms. Doss will respond to emails sent to the whole Board in an effort to be consistent.
Ms. Doss reviewed the Board’s meetings dates, which were adopted in October. She also reminded Board members to let the Director know by noon the Friday before each meeting if they cannot attend.
Fraud Training:
The Board viewed the Fraud Training video provided by the Ohio Auditor of State.
Ms. Smithey presented the December financial report.
Motion by Mr. Humphrey, seconded by Mr. Ramos, to approve the December Financial Report. All present were in favor, none opposed. Motion was adopted.
Motion by Ms. Waite, seconded by Ms. Bock, to approve the December bills paid. All present were in favor, none opposed. Motion was adopted.
Motion by Ms. Kocica, seconded by Mr. Ramos, to approve the December bill (Anthem) paid. All present were in favor, none opposed. Ms. Doss abstained. Motion was adopted.
Ms. Wick introduced Andrea Brofft as the new Assistant Director, who reviewed her background and Library experience.
Ms. Wick asked Board members to review their contact information and let her know about any changes needed.
She reviewed the OLC public library trustee training in March and asked if anyone would like to attend. Members can attend in-person or online.
The Library’s Holiday Giving program was a success and the many school supplies collected will be distributed to all school districts in the county.
Ms. Wick reported the University of Cincinnati Evaluation Services Center presented preliminary results from the survey conducted in September 2024. The results were sent to committee members to review and another meeting will be scheduled soon to discuss next steps. They found a lack of response from younger adults.
She shared the Information Services and Community Engagement departments are working on the new website, events calendar, and room booking software. Work is progressing on deadline.
An additional unit of Library lockers will be added to the existing ones at the Miami Township and Union Township Branches since they are constantly full.
In 2024, circulation was up 4% in 2024, digital circulation was up 74%, door counts were up 5%, and program attendance was up 16%. Program attendance exceeded the 5% goal set forth in the Program Promotion Challenge.
The new HR Director started work January 27, 2025.
Ohio residents can now buy Imagination Library license plates. Imagination Library enrollment is staying at a 65% participation rate.
Ms. Herron introduced the We Love to Read Community Reading Goal. She presented each board member with a Library cup with stickers to encourage them to log the minutes they read each day. The same cups and stickers were sent to branches for guests to pick up throughout the year.
Motion by Ms. Kocica, seconded by Ms. Bock, to approve Resolution 2025-01, Acceptance of Gifts to the Library, donations as listed. All present were in favor, none opposed. The motion was adopted.
Motion by Ms. Waite, seconded by Mr. Ramos, to approve Resolution 2025-02: Disposal of Unneeded or Obsolete Inventory. Roll call vote: Ms. Doss, yes; Mr. Ramos, yes; Ms. Waite, yes; Ms. Kocica, yes; Mr. Humphrey, yes; Ms. Bock, yes; Ms. Schlueter, yes. All present were in favor, none opposed. The motion was adopted.
Motion by Mr. Humphrey, seconded by Ms. Schlueter, to approve Resolution 2025-03, Adoption of the General Reserve Fund to the General Fund. Roll call vote: Ms. Doss, yes; Mr. Ramos, yes; Ms. Waite, yes; Ms. Kocica, yes; Mr. Humphrey, yes; Ms. Bock, yes; Ms. Schlueter. All present were in favor, none opposed.
Motion by Mr. Humphrey, seconded by Mr. Bock, to go into Executive session pursuant to Ohio Revised Code Section 121.22 (G)(4) for the purpose of reviewing negotiations or bargaining sessions with public employees concerning their compensation or other terms and conditions of employment. All present were in favor, none opposed. Motion was adopted at 7:17 p.m.
The board returned from executive session at 7:36 p.m.
Motion by Mr. Ramos, seconded by Mr. Humphrey, to ratify the Collective Bargaining Agreement effective January 1, 2025, and ending December 31, 2027. Roll call vote: Ms. Doss, yes; Mr. Ramos, yes; Ms. Waite, yes; Ms. Kocica, yes; Mr. Humphrey, yes; Ms. Bock, yes; Ms. Schlueter. All present were in favor, none opposed. The pay increase for bargaining unit staff is retroactive to January 1, 2025.
Motion by Mr. Humphrey, seconded by Ms. Schlueter, to make the changes to the HR Policy Manual: The sick leave change will be effective with the next pay period; the tuition change is effective immediately. All present were in favor, none opposed. The motion was adopted.
Mr. Humphrey asked about the proposed handicapped parking spaces at the Miami Township Branch Library. Ms. Wick said it is planned to go before the Board’s Budget Committee at their next meeting that expected to be in March 2025.
Motion by Mr. Humphrey, seconded by Ms. Bock, to adjourn the meeting at 7:44 p.m. All present were in favor, none opposed. The motion was adopted.
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Board President Board Secretary