Memory Kits

A 2022 study by Columbia University shows that about 10 percent of U.S. adults age 65 and older have dementia and another 22 percent have mild cognitive impairment. Most often, family members are caring for these individuals.

To help, the Clermont County Public Library now has memory kits for families to borrow. A kit can provide mental and emotional stimulation that may spur good memories the whole family can enjoy. These types of conversations can help build stronger connections between a loved one with memory loss and their family.

Each kit comes in a backpack and has items with a common theme to help generate memories and get conversations started. Each kit contains:

  • A themed video that can provide comfort and bring joy.
  • Activity cards can be used alone or as a companion to the video. The cards have photos and activities that can prompt conversation.
  • A fidget Widget that can calm an individual by engaging their hands with repetitive movements.
  •  A Busy Bottle has items to identify, reminiscing prompts, trivia, and other activities that stimulate conversation and memory.

Share these kits with your loved one who is suffering from memory loss. You may hear a new story that will be a treasured memory for the whole family for years to come.

A complete list of the kits and their themes can be found in the library’s catalog.