Minutes: March 2018




MARCH 19, 2018


Present: Joseph Braun, Judith Kocica, Bob Pautke, M. E. Steele-Pierce, Patricia Pryor, Tricia Lyons

Staff:  Chris Wick, Maura Gray, Leslie Jacobs, Theresa Herron, Marcia Troknya, Lynn Baird, Robb Hirschauer, Emily Wichman, Amy Vogel, Laurie Henry, Chris Rich, Lisa Breithaupt, Melanie Smithey, Jennifer Longbrake

Guest: Kevin Rogers, CPS

Mr. Braun called the meeting to order at 6:07 p.m.


Roll Call: Joseph Braun, here; Judith Kocica, here; Bob Pautke, here, Ms. Pryor, here, Dr. Steele-Pierce, here, Tricia Lyons, here

Everyone rose to recite the Pledge of Allegiance.


Mr. Braun asked for amendments, corrections or additions to the February 12, 2018 minutes. No revisions were submitted.

Dr. Steele-Pierce made a motion to approve the February 12, 2018 minutes, as mailed.  Mr. Pautke seconded the motion.  All present were in favor, none opposed.  The motion was adopted and the minutes were approved.


Kevin Rogers provided an update on the Miami Township branch. He stated that there are a few outstanding payments left to DER.  Weather permitting the exterior punch list will be completed the week on March 19, 2018.  Less than thirty interior punch list items are left to be completed, as well. The defective carpeting was replaced and the flush valves are being replaced by the manufacturer.

Mr. Rogers stated that CPS is reviewing LDA invoices as they come in and sending them to Ms. Gray upon approval.  The defective concrete in the courtyard will be removed and re-poured by DER, and the area will also be reseeded, as weather permits. There was discussion regarding the ongoing water pressure concerns.

Mr. Rogers stated that the outstanding amount owed to DER is $38,000.  Ms. Gray stated that the retainage amount is approximately $20,000.

Mr. Braun thanked Mr. Rogers on behalf of the board for his hard work on the project.  He presented Mr. Rogers with a framed certificate of acknowledgement and appreciation of the hard work and dedication of Mr. Rogers and CPS, Inc. on the Miami Township Branch project.

Mr. Rogers left at 6:17 p.m.


Ms. Henry, Miami Township branch manager, presented to the Board a slideshow about the process of planning and moving the branch, and ideas for the new branch moving forward.

Dr. Steele-Pierce thanked Ms. Henry and her staff for that virtual tour that was created for the branch.  She stated that it was very professional and informative.


Ms. Gray stated that the library is closing the Fifth Third Bank operating account as part of the move to Park National Bank.  Ms. Gray stated that the decision to switch to Park National was in part based on what Park National Bank gives back to the community.

She gave an account of the February 2018 financial report which consisted of: the bank reconciliation; the January 2018 check register; the MTD and YTD fund reports; the MTD and YTD bank reports; the system balancing report; and a detailed expense report for Fund 409.   Ms. Gray stated that there is an unencumbered amount of $214,000 for the Miami Township project.   There are also two open purchase orders for contingencies in the amounts of $100,000 and $131,000.  She stated both purchase orders will be closed.  The PLF is up $32,000 from the state estimate.

Ms. Kocica asked if there were any prevailing wage issues with the Miami Township project.  Ms. Gray stated that there was one public records request early on in the process that was resolved.

The board discussed the need for additional change funds for the Miami Township branch.  The board agreed to increase the cash for the change funds, and requested that Ms. Wick report back to the board on whether or not this is also needed at the Union Township branch.

Dr. Steele-Pierce made a motion to approve the February financial report and bills, as listed.  Mr. Pautke seconded the motion.  All present were in favor, with the exception of Mr. Braun, who abstained.  The motion was adopted.


Mr. Braun invited any public matters to be brought forth to the board.  No discussion occurred.


The director’s report was submitted. Ms. Wick stated that a lot of the visibility work done this past month had been in promoting the grand opening of the Miami Township branch.  This included a video tour by MTTV on February 21, 2018.  Mr. Braun commended Ms. Wick and the staff for the work they did promoting the branch, including the social media posts.

Ms. Herron conducted way-finding meetings to create effective signage in the Miami Township branch to highlight the content and collections.

The Union Township and Amelia branches are partnering to conduct a teen job fair and work readiness programs.

Ms. Wick stated that the Three for Me program statistics are on par.  The Milford schools reached out to the Library requesting participation in the program.  The board discussed the current statistics on the program.  Ms. Pryor requested additional statistics detailing the length of time that materials are out of circulation through this program.  Discussion also occurred regarding the financial impact of unreturned materials.  The board was in agreement to move forward with implementation of the Three for Me program at Mulberry Elementary, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton School, and St. Mark’s Lutheran School.

The Amelia, Batavia and Union Township branches are working in collaboration to offer a Summer Reading kick-off event at the Veteran’s Memorial park on June 6, 2018. The library has received a Library Services and Technology Act grant to bring Jim Gill, children’s music performer, to the library.  Mr. Gill will perform at the summer reading wrap-up celebration at Community Park.

In partnership with Book by the Banks, the Library will be hosting Nick Bruel, author of the Bad Kitty series.  Mr. Bruel will visit the Miami Township branch and two local elementary schools.

Ms. Wick submitted a letter from a Union Township patron that recognizes the great library staff, services, resources, and facilities of the library. Ms. Wick stated that she has also received two recent phone calls praising branch staff.

The Williamsburg and Amelia branch furnishings have been completed.  Both branches received new tables and chairs. The Williamsburg upgrade is a continuation of the Marion Croswell memorial donation.

The fourth quarter and year end statistics for 2017 were submitted.

Ms. Wick stated that the Standards of Library Behavior Policy is being reviewed by the prosecuting attorney.  This review is being conducted because of two recent incidents at the Williamsburg branch.


HR Policy Manual:

The changes submitted by Ms. Pryor at the February meeting were made.  Ms. Pryor stated she would like a clean copy of the policy manual draft distributed to the board.  She would like to discuss her recommendation of changes to specific policies at the April board meeting.


Mr. Braun requested a recommendation from Ms. Wick on options for increasing library hours; taking into consideration the needs of the system and the associated cost.

Ms. Kocica requested a status update from Ms. Wick on the coffee café at the Miami Township branch.  Ms. Wick stated that a contract has been signed and it will be implemented in the next few weeks.

Dr. Steele-Pierce requested an updated organizational chart be distributed to the board.

Ms. Kocica made a motion to approve Resolution R-2018-12: Acceptance of gifts to the library: donations as listed.  Ms. Pryor seconded the motion.  All present were in favor, none opposed.  The resolution was adopted.

Ms. Lyons made a motion to approve Resolution R-2018-13: Disposal of unneeded or obsolete library material.  Ms. Pryor seconded the motion.  Roll call vote: Mr. Braun, aye; Ms. Kocica, aye; Dr. Steele-Pierce, aye; Mr. Pautke, aye; Ms. Lyons, aye; Ms. Pryor, aye.   All present were in favor, none opposed. The resolution was adopted.

Mr. Braun entertained a motion to go into executive session to consider the appointment, employment, dismissal, discipline, promotion, demotion, or compensation of a public employee or official per the terms and conditions of ORC 121.22 (G) (1).  Mr. Pautke made a motion to go into executive session; Dr. Steele-Pierce seconded the motion.  Roll call vote: Mr. Braun, aye; Ms. Kocica, aye; Dr. Steele-Pierce, aye; Ms. Pryor, aye; Mr. Pautke, aye; Ms. Lyons, aye.  The board went into executive session at 8:05 p.m.

The board came out of executive session at 8:57 p.m.


Ms. Pryor made a motion to increase the hours for the Youth Service Specialist position at the Felicity branch to 40 hours per week, as recommended by the director, effective March 20, 2018.  Ms. Kocica seconded the motion.  All present were in favor, none opposed.  The motion was approved.

Mr. Pryor made a motion to adjourn. Dr. Steele-Pierce seconded the motion. All present were in favor, none opposed. The meeting adjourned at 8:59 p.m.





____________________________________                     _______________________________________

Board President                                                                                      Board Secretary




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