Minutes: Special Board Meeting October 2018
Clermont County Public Library
Board of Trustees
October 22, 2018
Union Township Branch
Present: Joseph Braun, M.E. Steele-Pierce, Tony Cardinal, Bob Pautke, Tricia Lyons
Absent: Patricia Pryor, Judith Kocica
Staff: Maura Gray, Chris Wick, Leslie Jacobs, Marcia Troknya, Melanie Smithey, Robb Hirschauer, Hilda Lindner Knepp
Guests: Jeannette Nichols, Assistant Prosecuting Attorney, Amy Hardy, Cynthia Day, Jesse Engle and Mike Brown from Days of Wonder
Mr. Braun called the meeting to order at 6:06 p.m.
Roll Call: Joseph Braun, here; Dr. Steele-Pierce, here; Tony Cardinal, here; Bob Pautke, here; Tricia Lyons, here
Dr. Steele-Pierce made a motion to excuse Ms. Kocica from the meeting. Mr. Cardinal seconded the motion. All present were in favor, none opposed. The motion was adopted.
Everyone rose to recite the Pledge of Allegiance.
Lease of 326 Broadway Street Office Space to Days of Wonder School
Mr. Braun stated that a motion to lease the space would need to be contingent upon a review of the property by a structural engineer; obtaining insurance for its intended use; review and approval by legal counsel; and approval by the county occupancy department.
Ms. Wick stated that leasing the property would be a good opportunity and use of the space. It will bring more patronage to the Batavia branch and the school will have the space it needs and a location close to the library.
Ms. Wick stated that the library has consulted Mark Bredemeier, KBA, Inc., to help guide the change of occupancy from the library to the school. Ms. Wick has been in contact with legal counsel and the insurance broker regarding the possible lease. Ms. Wick stated there would be a maximum occupancy of 50 people. The Days of Wonder school has requested occupancy on October 30, 2018.
Ms. Wick stated that limited structural changes would be necessary, including the removal of temporary walls. The library would continue to provide snow removal based on the library’s schedule of hours. Ms. Wick stated that Days of Wonder would be using the space three days a week and the library would allow for the school’s use of the library’s wifi. Rent would be $1,500/month including utilities.
Ms. Wick stated that Days of Wonder is not defined as a school by the Ohio Revised Code.
Dr. Steele-Pierce made a motion to authorize the Director to negotiate and enter into a lease for the former administrative offices with Days of Wonder subject to a positive structural engineer report; insurance approval; legal counsel approval and authorization of occupancy from the county building department. Mr. Cardinal seconded the motion. All present were in favor, none opposed. The motion was adopted.
Dr. Steele-Pierce made a motion to adjourn. Mr. Cardinal seconded the motion. All present were in favor, none opposed. The meeting adjourned at 6:18 p.m.
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Board President Board Secretary