Genealogy Information Request

The Batavia Branch houses the Clermont County Genealogical Society Collection. As time permits, Library staff will answer specific queries. Requests will be answered in the order they were received and the response time may be lengthy.

We are unable to perform in-depth research, but will be happy to do look-ups. For example:

  • Obituaries from our local newspapers
  • Death dates
  • Monument inscriptions prior to 1900
  • Marriage dates from 1800 – 1874
  • Will, estate, and guardianship records from 1800-1900

More time-intensive information that qualifies as research will be referred to a fee-based genealogical researcher, upon your request.

Please note the following before filling out the form:

  • Any project consisting of more than 10 copies will be charged a per copy fee of 10 cents per page
  • Our newspapers are not indexed, so we request at least the month and year of death to locate an obituary
  • If your ancestor’s surname is common like Smith or Jones we must have very specific information so we do not confuse your ancestor with others of the same name

Please fill out one form per ancestor.

Your attention to our requirements will help us to serve you more efficiently. We look forward to helping you find the leaves in your family tree.

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.