Text reading "Director's Note"

Director’s Note: May & June 2024

I’m thrilled to announce the return of our annual Summer Reading Challenge: The Adventure Begins at Your Library!

This exciting challenge, running from June 1 to July 31, is designed to be an engaging and enriching experience for readers of all ages. We’ve planned a variety of programs and activities throughout the summer to celebrate reading and keep your mind active.

Many of you may be familiar with the concept of “summer slide.” This refers to the tendency for students to lose some of the academic progress they made during the school year. Fortunately, the library can play a crucial role in combating summer slide.

Research indicates that independent reading for enjoyment is one of the most effective ways for children to maintain and even improve their reading skills over the summer. By selecting books they find captivating, children actively engage with language, building upon their comprehension, vocabulary, and writing skills. With just 4-6 books read over the summer, children can experience a significant boost in reading achievement.

Beyond academic benefits, summer reading fosters a love for storytelling, ignites a child’s imagination, and promotes social-emotional development. It cultivates a lifelong love of learning, a value the Clermont County Public Library passionately champions.

This June, as we celebrate National Audiobook Month, don’t hesitate to explore our extensive collection of audiobooks in various formats. From eAudiobooks readily available on hoopla Digital and Libby to traditional CDs and Playaways, you can add to your summer reading log in a convenient and fun way.

Our dedicated library staff members are eager to assist you in finding the perfect summer reading adventure. Whether you need assistance navigating our collection or want recommendations on age-appropriate materials, we’re here to be your trusted resource.

I’m wishing you a fantastic summer filled with laughter, discovery, and the joy of reading!

Christine Wick

Library Director