The Library will be closed Tuesday, December 24 and Wednesday, December 25.

Read To Toddlers

Ready to Read: Parent’s Guide – Reading to Toddlers

Read favorite stories again and again.

Get your little one actively involved in telling the story.

Ask questions that invite more than a yes or no answer – “What is this thing called?”; “Oh, I wonder what she is doing?”;

Summarize the book if it has too many words, or just talk about the pictures. Age-appropriate toddler books have little to no plot, so it isn’t necessary to read from cover to cover.

Give your child access to books. Choosing what they would like to look at and learning to turn the pages is part of early literacy.

What Toddlers like in Books

  • Small books to fit small hands
  • Books with simple rhymes
  • Books with familiar items – shoes, toys, pets
  • Books with familiar routines – bedtime, bath time, meals
  • Lift the flap books
  • Books with very few words or with repeating words – books little ones can learn by heart
  • Goodnight books for bedtime