January in the Garden: What to Do?

Plants and garden tools

As we let winter put the garden to bed, we also take stock of what went well (a new tomato variety!) and what did not (eaten by pesky deer!). Now, as we turn the corner into a fresh new year, many gardeners’ thoughts turn to new plans—and new plants. Whether you’re an apartment gardener with a few LED lights or you’re lucky enough to have an outdoor garden space, here are a few tasks you can tackle in January:

Seed Catalogs: Though more and more of us do our shopping online, it’s still immensely satisfying to browse through the new year’s seed catalogs. Consider making a group order to share seeds and save money.

Clean Those Tools: Pruners can be sharpened (ask at your local hardware store). Thoroughly clean all your hand tools and brush with a light coating of oil to guard against rust.

Prep Your Planters: Clean up any flowerpots you plan to reuse. Scrub gently with detergent and rinse with a 10% bleach solution. You’ll be glad in March that you got this task out of the way.

Check Your Houseplants: Indoor plants slow down or go dormant over the winter, so hold back on feeding or repotting them until March or April.

Shiny-leafed plants will appreciate a nice cleaning–wipe gently with a soft, soapy sponge and then rinse with lukewarm water.

Be sure to regularly check all plants often for signs of bugs–tiny webs, white sticky cotton-like bits, and small puncture marks are signs of spider mites, mealybugs, and sucking insects that have slipped into the house and are looking to feed on fresh, juicy leaves. Your local hardware store should stock organic houseplant insecticide.

Treat Yourself: How about a light meter? There are some pretty nifty phone apps that measure ambient light and can help you situate your indoor plants in the best possible light zone.

Or what about those copper plant tags you’ve been eyeing? Don’t forget that January is a great month to coax an Amaryllis bulb to bloom indoors.

Plan It: Are you a spreadsheet person? Or do you prefer making lists? Do you sketch things out with graph paper and color? January is a great time to plan out your garden and order new accessories like a string trellis for peas, bamboo stakes for tomatoes and pole beans, or new grow lights to get an indoor head start.

Share It: Consider joining a local garden group. Online groups are a great resource for swapping seeds, supplies, and information.

Or join us at the Union Township Branch for the new monthly Dig It! Garden Club. Our first meeting is Saturday, January 11, 2-4 PM. Bring seed catalogs and let’s talk about your garden plans. All experience levels are welcome! Save your spot.


Check out these resources–and more–in our collection:

In closing

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Written by Ron from the Union Township Branch.