Minutes: February 2020

February 24, 2020

Present: Tony Cardinal, Joe Braun, Judith Kocica, Tricia Lyons, Adam Bird, Mary Jo Waite, Jenny Doss.
Staff: Theresa Herron, Lynn Baird, Andrea Brofft, Joel Walters, Emily Wichman, Jessica Bell, Emily Didion,
Natalie Bendgen, Candee Shafer, Tracey McCullough, Katie Kelly, Vivian Keesee, Beth Eicher, Andrea
Hubbell, Beth Lammrish, Julia Hunter, Jeanne Tomlin, Laurie Henry, Stacy Books
Guests: Marcia Troknya, Daniel Merrill, Todd Tomlin
Mr. Cardinal called the meeting to order at 6:01 p.m. Ms. Lyons arrived at 6:03 p.m.

Tony Cardinal, Joe Braun, Judith Kocica, Tricia Lyons, Adam Bird, Mary Jo Waite, Jenny Doss, here.
Attendees recited the Pledge of Allegiance.

Ms. Doss recommended a spelling correction to the term “Imagination Library by Dolly Parton.”
Motion by Mr. Braun, seconded by Ms. Waite, to approve the January 27, 2020, meeting minutes as
amended. All present were in favor except Mr. Bird, who abstained. Motion was adopted.
Mr. Cardinal asked staff members present to introduce themselves.

Daniel Merrill asked to speak in support of the union effort by Library employees.

Fiscal Officer Maura Gray presented the February financial report. She consolidated the month-to-date
and year-to-date bank reports. She also stated the PLF amounts looked very good.

Motion by Ms. Kocica, seconded by Ms. Waite, to approve the financial report. Mr. Braun recused
himself. Motion was adopted.

Motion by Mr. Bird, seconded by Ms. Kocica, to approve payment of the January 2020 bills. Mr. Braun
and Ms. Doss abstained. Motion was adopted.

Presented the January numbers for the Million Check Out Challenge.
As part of the Million Check Out Challenge, all the branch managers worked with their staff to develop
goals that will be reported in their monthly branch updates, which are included in the board packets.
Starting in March, branch staff will be asked to walk around the facility and engage with guests. This is in
response to comments made in the focus groups and community survey conducted at the end of 2019.

A meeting was held February 6, 2020, to discuss bringing the Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library to
Clermont County. Governor Mike DeWine is providing $5 million in matching funds for 2 years to bring
the Imagination Library to every Ohio county. Ms. Waite attended the meeting and said the program
provides children age 0 to 5 with a new book every month. Ms. Lyons asked what the Library’s
involvement would be. About 13,000 children would be eligible in Clermont County and about 35
percent are expected to participate the first year. That would require an effort to raise about $60,000.
The state of Ohio will match the money raised. The next step is a March 6 meeting to establish who the
501(c)(3) fiscal agent would be and who would conduct the fundraising effort. Ms. Wick said the Library
would play a large roll in getting children enrolled in the program.

Update on the Census. The Clermont County Complete Counts Committee was formed. All are working
hard to share accurate census information. Mr. Braun asked if the Library could have the link available
on public computers because Library funding is tied to census data. Ms. Wick said the link will be on the
Library’s public computers starting March 12, the date the online census questionnaire is expected to be

The Merit System Task Force met and members feel the new HR Director should play a role in how the
new evaluation system will work. In the meantime, the Library needs a bridge until the new system can
be implemented. The library will not use the existing evaluation system any longer as discussed by the
board in December. On behalf of the committee, Ms. Wick proposed for the 2020 performance cycle, an
across-the-board increase as set by the board, similar to a COLA. Ms. Lyons asked if there would still be
an annual evaluation of each employee. Ms. Wick said yes. The evaluation form would be adapted.
Managers would be required to meet with staff quarterly to check on goals. The board verbally agreed
to the proposal.

Discussed the Open Door policy drafted by Organizational Architecture. Counsel has reviewed the policy.
The board was asked to review the policy. This policy would replace the Grievance Policy currently in the
HR Manual.

Updated the board on the search for the HR Director. Organizational Architecture estimates hiring a
director by the end of May 2020. The have about 60 applications and one strong candidate.
The compensation study draft performed by Organizational Architecture will be reviewed and a report
will be given to the board during the March meeting.

The Community Survey had 47,000 responses. The Library is happy with the number of responses. The
State Library is expected to send a report soon.

The Library has a new Instagram account.

The Million Check Out Challenge will be advertised in the branches with a thermometer to track the
progress of the program.

The Marketing Department is working with the webmaster to make the Library locations and hours
more prominent on the website.

The second annual Science Fair was successful despite snow and ice. More than 250 attended. Ms. Wick
complimented the staff who produced a great program.

Principles of Professionalism will be presented March 24 at Miami Township featuring a nationally-
known speaker.

Rearranged furniture at the Amelia Branch to allow the children’s area collection to grow and moved
tables closer to electrical outlets.

Ms. Doss asked where the dogs come from for the Barks and Books program. Cincinnati Therapy Dogs
are all licensed and trained.

Rated-R and fines:
Staff members Chris Wick, Maura Gray, Theresa Herron, Lynn Baird, Andrea Brofft, Joel Walters and
Emily Wichman discussed with the board why adding Rated-R materials to the collection and how
making all fines 20 cents each would benefit the community and help the Library meet the Million Check
Out Challenge. Ms. Wick said this is a strategic response to the community survey.
Ms. Lyons said students often are asked to watch classic movies that are not in the Library’s collection.
Ms. Kocica asked if the Rated-R would be placed on the shelf with other videos. Ms. Wick said the
Library’s system will block children from checking out Rated-R items unless they have permission from
their parents.

Aligning all fines to 20 cents was discussed. Fines can prohibit whole families from using library
resources. Lowering fines can improve customer relationships and encourage lifelong library use.
Mr. Cardinal asked the board to review the Rated-R and fines requests and make a decision at the
March meeting.

Motion by Mr. Braun, seconded Ms. Doss, to approve Resolution 2020-08, the acceptance of gifts. All
present were in favor. Motion was adopted.

Motion by Mr. Bird, seconded by Ms. Waite, to approve Resolution 2020-09, disposal of obsolete Library
materials. Roll call vote: Mr. Bird, yea. Ms. Waite, yea. Mr. Braun, yea. Ms. Kocica, yea. Ms. Lyons, yea.
Ms. Doss, yea. Mr. Cardinal, yea. All present were in favor. Motion was adopted.

Ms. Wick asked the board how they would like the Library to be involved in the Ohio Governor’s
Imagination Library as it relates to fundraising. The Library has been notified the Imagination Library is a
proper public purpose. Ms. Kocica suggested waiting until the March 6 meeting where the program
details will be discussed and the board will have more information on which to base a decision.

Motion by Mr. Braun, seconded by Ms. Doss, to go into executive session, ORC 121.22 (G) (1) to consider
employment of a public employee(s) or official. Roll call vote: Mr. Braun, yea. Ms. Doss, yea. Mr. Bird,
yea. Ms. Waite, yea. Ms. Kocica, yea. Ms. Lyons, yea. Mr. Cardinal, yea. All present were in favor. Motion
was adopted at 7:16 p.m.

The board returned from executive session at 7:50 p.m.

Motion by Mr. Bird, seconded by Ms. Doss, to adjourn the meeting at 7:51 p.m.

____________________________________ _______________________________________
Board President Board Secretary

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