Minutes: February 2025




FEBRUARY 24, 2025



Present: Jennifer Doss, Ernie Ramos, Mary Jo Waite, Judith Kocica, Ed Humphrey, Katie Bock, Laurie Schlueter.

Staff: Chris Wick, Melanie Smithey, Debbie Williams, Andrea Brofft, Lynn Baird, Don Carpenter, Chris Rich, Amy Matheney, Julia Bertermann, Theresa Herron.

Ms. Doss called the meeting to order at 6 p.m.


Jennifer Doss, here; Ernie Ramos, here; Mary Jo Waite, here; Judith Kocica, here; Ed Humphrey, here; Katie Bock, here; Laurie Schlueter, here.

All present recited the Pledge of Allegiance.


Motion by Mr. Humphrey, seconded by Ms. Bock, to approve the January 27, 2025, board meeting minutes with two corrections. All present were in favor, none opposed. Motion was adopted.




Mr. Ramos discussed rules that govern the conduct of guests using the Library. Libraries are allowed to enact rules to address the proper management of library facilities as long as they are reasonable.

Ms. Doss recognized Mr. Humphrey for receiving the Martha Dorsey Pacesetter Award presented by the Clermont Chamber of Commerce.


Ms. Wick, Ms. Brofft, Ms. Baird, Mr. Carpenter, Mr. Rich, and Ms. Matheney presented information about the Library2Go service.


Ms. Smithey presented the January financial report.

Motion by Ms. Waite, seconded by Mr. Humphrey, to approve the January financial report. All present were in favor, none opposed. Motion was adopted.

Motion by Mr. Ramos, seconded by Ms. Waite, to approve the January bills paid. All present were in favor, none opposed. Motion was adopted.

Motion by Ms. Kocica, seconded by Mr. Humphrey, to approve the January bill (Anthem) paid. All present were in favor, none opposed. Ms. Doss abstained. Motion was adopted.


Ms. Wick said the final piece of the survey conducted by the UC Evaluation Services Center is similar to a focus group and will take place March 6, 2025, at UC Clermont. Ms. Brofft is making the arrangements.

Work is ahead of schedule for the Vega Project which includes building a new website, implementing a new calendar of events, and room booking software package that will work with the new website. The Community Engagement Department is doing this work. Additional work will begin soon on the Discovery Layer portion of the project. This work will be done by the Information Services and Collection Services Departments in coordination with CED.

Ms. Wick introduced Julia Bertermann, the new Human Resources Director.

The UC Clermont management training program has stalled. In the meantime, the new Collection Services manager will attend a 10-week management-leadership training course offered by Gateway.

Ms. Wick and Ms. Brofft attended the America 250 planning meeting. The Library and the Clermont County Educational Service Center will work to offer programs focused on the 250th birthday of the United States in 2026.

She announced that Community Engagement Manager, Theresa Herron, will retire in July.

The Imagination Library is serving 65% of the eligible children in the county. Ms. Wick announced the steering committee for Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library of Clermont County, Ohio will host a fund-raising event April 29 at RJ Cinema in Eastgate where they will show the documentary film The Library that Dolly Built. More information will be available soon.

Mr. Ramos asked about door counts and if the Library is still recovering from COVID? Ms. Wick said libraries are still recovering. COVID also changed how people use the Library. For instance, the use of digital materials and library lockers have increased. Mr. Ramos asked for additional statistics on key performance indicators kept by the Library.

Ms. Bertermann gave a short summary of her background and said she is excited to be working at the Library.

Motion by Mr. Humphrey, seconded by Ms. Schlueter, to accept a bench for the Williamsburg Branch Library from the Kiwanis of East Fork Region. All present were in favor, none opposed. The motion was adopted.


Motion by Ms. Kocica, seconded by Ms. Bock, to approve Resolution 2025-04, Acceptance of Gifts to the Library, donations as listed. All present were in favor, none opposed. The motion was adopted.

Ms. Kocica asked about the $3984.27, donation from the Greater Cincinnati Foundation. Ms. Smithey said the Greater Cincinnati Foundation sent the funds with no specific purpose. The Board expressed thanks for the contribution to the Library.

Motion by Ms. Waite, seconded by Mr. Ramos, to approve Resolution 2025-05: Disposal of Unneeded or Obsolete Inventory. Roll call vote: Ms. Doss, yes; Mr. Ramos, yes; Ms. Waite, yes; Ms. Kocica, yes; Mr. Humphrey, yes; Ms. Bock, yes; Ms. Schlueter, yes. All present were in favor, none opposed. The motion was adopted.

Mr. Humphrey suggested the Library look into disposing of eligible items through egov.

Motion by Ms. Bock, seconded by Ms. Schlueter, to approve Resolution 2025-06, that authorizes the Director and Fiscal Officer to execute documents on behalf of the Board of Trustees. Roll call vote: Ms. Doss, yes; Mr. Ramos, yes; Ms. Waite, yes; Ms. Kocica, yes; Mr. Humphrey, yes; Ms. Bock, yes; Ms. Schlueter. All present were in favor, none opposed.

Ms. Doss asked for a list of contracts signed by the Director and Fiscal Officer on behalf of the board. Ms. Wick will provide the information at the next board meeting.

Motion by Mr. Ramos, seconded by Ms. Schlueter, to adjourn the meeting at 7:16 p.m. All present were in favor, none opposed. The motion was adopted.

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Board President                                                                     Board Secretary

