Minutes: March 2020
MARCH 16, 2020
Present: Tony Cardinal, Joe Braun, Judith Kocica, Tricia Lyons, Mary Jo Waite, Jennifer Doss
Absent: Adam Bird
Staff: Theresa Herron, Lynn Baird
Guests: Clermont County Commissioner David Painter
Mr. Cardinal called the meeting to order at 6:06 p.m.
Present: Tony Cardinal, Joe Braun, Judith Kocica, Tricia Lyons, Mary Jo Waite, Jennifer Doss
Attendees recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
Motion by Ms. Lyons, seconded by Ms. Waite, to approve the February 27, 2020, minutes as presented. All present were in favor. Motion was adopted.
There was no public discussion since the meeting was limited to 11 people because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Mr. Cardinal said everyone in the room was sitting 6 feet apart to maintain social distancing. To comply with the Open Meetings Law, the meeting was broadcast live using Facebook Live. Those watching were able to ask questions using Facebook Live that were received by the board later in the meeting.
Ms. Gray answered questions about bills paid. The Public Library Fund is up for the third month in a row.
Motion by Mr. Braun, seconded by Ms. Waite, to approve the financial report. All present were in favor. Motion was adopted.
Motion by Ms. Kocica, seconded by Ms. Waite, to approve the payment of the February 2020 bills. All present were in favor. Motion was adopted.
The Million Check Out Challenge will be compromised with the branches being closed because of the COVID-19 pandemic. More than 30 attended the Imagination Library meeting held March 5. The census was available online March 12. A link to the census is on the Library’s public computers, however, the effort to support the census is limited because the branches are closed. Organizational Architecture will submit a list of candidates for the HR position and report on the compensation study soon. The State Library consultant working on the strategic plan is ready to present some recommendations, but that will be delayed while the libraries are closed.
The Pandemic Preparedness and Response Plan was revised. A special board meeting was held March 13 to discuss plans. However, plans changed since March 13 as more information about the pandemic became available.
The Library is researching new software that patrons can use to book meeting rooms electronically. The website was updated to find things more easily, especially branch locations. Since closing, website has been updated to provide information about online resources.
Mr. Cardinal discussed the compensation study completed by Organizational Architecture. The Library has asked for recommendations and specifics. The budget committee will take those recommendations and specifics to make financial projections for three, four and five years. The report is not yet ready for public review. The board should receive draft recommendations and specifics soon.
Commissioner Painter discussed the Imagination Library. Mr. Cardinal wanted to know how much the program would cost and what would be expected from the Library.
Mr. Painter said Imagination Library has made a difference in Tennessee’s literacy rates. The county commissioners have discussed the Imagination Library, but have not agreed to financially support the program at this time. The next step would be to ask the private citizens and businesses to provide support. The Library board will wait for more information.
Mr. Painter offered to answer questions about the county. Mr. Braun asked if the county is ready to address the COVID-19 virus. Mr. Painter said yes. Also, the county health department provides an update each week at the county commissioner’s meeting.
Mr. Cardinal discussed Rated-R materials and reducing fines. Ms. Doss thanked the staff for putting together a good presentation about these discussion items. Mr. Cardinal wanted to make sure Rated-R AV materials would not be available for children. Ms. Wick clarified that no child would be able to check out Rated-R materials unless given permission by a parent. The permission would be granted until the child turns 18 years old.
Motion by Mr. Braun, seconded by Ms. Doss, to adopt a change to the Collection Development Policy and to allow Rated-R materials in the Library’s collection. The vote was 4-2. Those opposed were Ms. Kocica and Ms. Waite. Motion was adopted.
Mr. Cardinal discussed lowering AV fines from $1 to 20 cents.
Motion by Ms. Waite, seconded by Ms. Lyons, to lower the AV fines to 20 cents. The vote was 5-1. Ms. Kocica was opposed.
Mr. Cardinal discussed changing the Grievance Policy in the Human Resources Manual to the Open Door Policy as proposed by Organizational Architecture. Ms. Kocica said the new HR Director should be involved before the change is made. Ms. Doss asked when the new HR Director would start work. Organizational Architecture has said by the end of May.
Motion by Mr. Braun, seconded by Ms. Doss, to adopt the policy change as amended substituting “HR Director” with “Head of Human Resources” with the understanding that the new HR Director may bring more changes and recommendations to the board for consideration within 60 days of starting work. The vote was 5-1. Ms. Kocica was opposed. She said her opposition is based on her belief that the new HR Director should have input in the policy change.
Motion by Ms. Kocica, seconded Ms. Doss, to approve Resolution R-2020-10: Acceptance of gifts to the Library: donations as listed. All present were in favor. Motion was adopted.
Motion by Mr. Braun, seconded by Ms. Doss, to approve Resolution R-2020-11: Disposal of unneeded or obsolete library materials. Roll call vote: Mr. Braun, yea. Ms. Doss, yea. Ms. Waite, yea. Ms. Kocica, yea. Ms. Lyons, yea. Mr. Cardinal, yea. All present were in favor. Motion was adopted.
Ms. Wick discussed the Library response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Decisions about how to respond to the pandemic have changed since the special board meeting held March 13. Instead of closing the branches to the public at the end of business March 16, the decision was made to close at the end of March 13. Non-exempt staff members were told to stay home March 16. Managers reported March 16.
The Library is publicizing that branches are closed, but the Digital Library is open. The Library has increased Wi-Fi availability outside branches from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Hoopla was expanded to eight check outs per month. Staff members are working on providing short videos to reach storytime families. Curbside delivery and mailing holds were discussed by managers. All outside electronic signs were updated.
Lynn Baird read questions submitted via Facebook Live: How would the board address larger branches with more than 10 employees if staff is expected to report. Mr. Braun said the board should keep employees safe at home and re-evaluate as more information becomes available as long the Library provides online services to the public. Mr. Braun supports giving the Library Director, in consultation with the Clermont County Public Health District, the authority to tell staff to stay home.
Mr. Braun left the meeting at 8 p.m.
Board members asked for information about how curbside delivery would work.
Another question submitted via Facebook Live was addressed by the board: How will employees be compensated. Per the HR manual, employees will be paid through a closure for reasons like weather or power outages, but it is not meant for a long-term closure. If employees choose to stay home once they are called back to work, they should use sick or vacation time. The board agreed to pay people for right now. But, the pandemic will affect the tax receipts that provide the library’s funding.
Motion by Ms. Doss, seconded by Ms. Lyons, to adjourn the meeting at 8:07 p.m. All present were in favor. Motion was adopted.
Board President
Board Secretary