January 2013

JANUARY 28, 2013
Present: Joseph Braun, Anthony Cardinal, Judith Kocica, Thomas Mantel
Absent: Marion Croswell, Patricia Pryor
Staff: David Mezack, Maura Gray, and Tracey Woodward
President Joseph Braun called the meeting to order at 6:12 P.M.
Everyone rose to recite The Pledge of Allegiance.
Mr. Braun asked for amendments, corrections, or additions to the December 10 , 2012 minutes. Ms. Kocica pointed out some minor clerical errors to Ms. Woodward. Mr. Mantel made a motion to approve the December 10 , 2012 Minutes as amended. Ms. Kocica seconded the motion. All members present were in favor. The motion was carried. The December 10 , 2012 Minutes were approved.
There was no public discussion.
Ms. Gray reviewed the financial report containing the December 2012 Bank Reconciliation; the  December 2012 Check Register, the MTD Bank Report and
the YTD Bank Report; the MTD Fund Report and the YTD Fund Report; the System Balancing Report; the State Funding PLF Recap. The State Funding

PLF Recap is estimated for calendar year 2013 at 4.3 million dollars. This amount may be adjusted. In addition the following Resolutions were presented before the Board, Resolution R-2013 -01: Acceptance of Gifts to the Library: Donations as Listed, Resolution R-2013-02: Disposal of Unneeded or Obsolete Library Material, Resolution R-2013-03: Increased the Appropriation in the Union Township Capital Project Fund (408), Resolution R-2013-04:Resolution to Transfer Cash From the General Fund (101) to the 27th Pay Fund (207) and the Capital Fund (400), and from the Union Township Capital Project Fund (408) to the Debt Service Fund (301), Resolution R-2013-5: Resolution Authorizing the Executive Director and or the Fiscal Officer to Execute Documents on Behalf of the Board of Trustees, ResolutionR-2013-6: Resolution Authorizing the Board of Trustees of the Clermont County Public Library to Participate in the State of Ohio Cooperative Purchasing Program, and Resolution R-2013-7:Resolution Authorizing the Board of Trustees of the Clermont County Public Library to Participate in the

U.S. Communities Government Purchasing Alliance.
Ms. Gray pointed out that there was a clerical mistake on the Clermont County Public Library State Funding Recap handout. One of the columns has 3 013 instead of 2013. This will be corrected and redistributed to the Board. The language was changed on giving the Executive Director and the Fiscal Officer the authority
to execute contracts.
Mr. Mezack further clarified this to the Board.
Mr. Braun indicated that even if there are not changes to this document the Board still has to see the contract before it is voted on and accepted by the Board of Trustees.
Mr. Braun requested that Ms. Gray and Mr. Mezack get back to the Board of Trustees on the TurfNScapes bill because the bill seemed higher than expected because of the mild winters in 2 012. Mr. Braun also requested that the Board of Trustees is emailed with information regarding details on the payee Symbology. Ms. Gray said that she would be emailing the Board with the details requested.
Mr. Cardinal made a motion to adopt the December 2012 Financial Report and to pay the December 2012 bills as listed. Mr. Mantel seconded the motion. All were in favor, none opposed. The motion was accepted.
Mr. Mantel made a motion to adopt Resolution R-2013-01: Acceptance of Gifts to the Library. Ms. Kocica seconded the motion. All were in favor, none opposed. The motion was adopted. Roll Call Vote: Joseph Braun, aye; Anthony Cardinal, aye, Judith Kocica, aye; Thomas Mantel, aye.
Ms. Kocica made a motion to adopt Resolution R-2013-02: Disposal of Unneeded or Obsolete Library Material, Mr. Mantel seconded the motion. All were in favor, none opposed. The motion was adopted. Roll Call Vote: Joseph Braun, aye ; Anthony Cardinal, aye; Judith Kocica, aye; Thomas Mantel, aye.
Ms. Kocica made a motion to adopt Resolution R-2013-03: Increase the Appropriation in the Union Township Capital Project Fund (408). Mr. Mantel seconded the motion. All were in favor, none opposed. The motion was carried.
Ms. Kocica made a motion to adopt Resolution R-2013-04: Transfer Cash from the General Fund (101) to the 27 th Pay Fund (207) and the Capital Fund (400) and from the Union Township Capital Project Fund (408) to the Debt Service Fund (301). Mr. Mantel seconded the motion. All were in favor, none opposed. The motion was carried.
Ms. Kocica made a motion to adopt Resolution R-2013-05: Authorization of the Executive Director and/or the Fiscal Officer to Execute Documents on Behalf of the Board of Trustees. Mr. Mantel seconded the motion. All were in favor, none opposed. The motion was carried.
Ms. Kocica made a motion to adopt Resolution R-2013-06: Authorization of the Board of Trustees of the Clermont County Public Library to participate in the State of Ohio Cooperative Purchasing Program. Mr. Mantel seconded the motion. All were in favor, none opposed. Roll Call Vote: Joseph Braun, aye; Anthony Cardinal, aye; Judith Kocica, aye; Thomas Mantel, aye.
Ms. Kocica made a motion to adopt Resolution R-2013-07: Authorization of the Board of Trustees of the Clermont County Public Library to participate in the U.S. Communities Government Purchasing Alliance. Mr. Mantel seconded the motion. All were in favor, none opposed. Roll Call Vote: Joseph Braun, aye; Anthony Cardinal, aye, Judith Kocica, aye, Thomas Mantel, aye.
Appointment of the Board of Trustees for 2013
Mr. Mezack asked the Board of Trustees if there were any changes in the officers for the Board of Trustees. Mr. Mantel stated that the Nominating Committee
would like to keep the same officers for 2013. Mr. Mantel made a motion to retain the same officers for the Board of Trustees for 2013. Ms. Kocica
seconded the motion. All were in favor, none opposed.
Appointment of Executive Director and Fiscal officer for 2013
Mr. Mezack would remain as the Executive Director and Ms. Gray would remain as the Fiscal Officer for the Clermont County Public Library. Mr. Mantel made a motion to retain Mr. Mezack as the Executive Director and Ms. Gray as the Fiscal Officer. Mr. Cardinal seconded the motion. All were in favor, none opposed. Roll Call Vote: Joseph Braun, aye; Anthony Cardinal, aye; Judith Kocica, aye; Thomas Mantel, aye. Mr. Braun stated that the retention of Mr. Mezack as Executive Director and Ms. Gray as the Fiscal Officer in no way changes the nature of their employment which remains at will.
Strategic Plan
The discussion and acceptance of the Strategic Plan for 2013-2015 will be tabled until the next Board Meeting in February.
Appointments: Karen Kimmerly, part time Library Assistant for the Williamsburg Branch, effective December 26, 2012.
There was no new business introduced at the meeting.
The next Board of Trustees meeting occurs on February 11 , 2013 at the Union Township Branch Library.
At 6:25 P.M. a motion was made by Mr. Mantel to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Cardinal seconded the motion. All were in favor, none opposed. The motion carried.
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