Minutes: September 2020




SEPTEMBER 21, 2020




Present: Tony Cardinal, Adam Bird, Tricia Lyons, Mary Jo Waite, Jennifer Doss

Absent: Judith Kocica, Joe Braun

Staff:  Chris Wick, Maura Gray, Leslie Jacobs, Theresa Herron, Lynn Baird

Guests: None

Mr. Cardinal called the meeting to order at 6 p.m.


Roll Call: Tony Cardinal, here; Joe Braun, absent; Adam Bird, here; Judith Kocica, absent; Tricia Lyons, absent; Mary Jo Waite, here; Jennifer Doss, here. Ms. Lyons arrived at 6:02 p.m.

Mr. Cardinal asked everyone to stand and recite the Pledge of Allegiance.

August 17, 2020, MINUTES:

Motion by Ms. Doss, seconded by Ms. Waite, to approve the August 2020 board meeting minutes as mailed. All present were in favor. Motion carried.


No public discussion.



Ms. Gray presented the monthly financial report and discussed the Public Library Fund, which was higher than expected for September. She stated the PLF is about 2 percent less than originally estimated by the state for 2020.

Ms. Gray said the Library applied for Coronavirus Relief Funds, which is part of the CARES Act, and received $250,000.

Ms. Wick said the CRF funds will be used to purchase book lockers and that use falls within the guidelines of how the money must be spent. The funds must be fully spent by December 31, 2020. The book lockers will allow patrons access to materials,  that they request to check out,  24 hours a day. It will be a contact-free service.

Motion by Mr. Bird, seconded by Ms. Lyons, to approve the August financial report. All present were in favor, except Ms. Doss, who abstained. Motion carried.

Motion by Ms. Waite, seconded by Mr. Bird, to approve the August bills paid. All present were in favor, except Ms. Doss, who abstained. Motion carried.


Ms. Wick said during the Adult Services meeting, staff indicated a high demand for faxing, scanning and mobile printing as well as notary services. With more in-home learning, staff are seeing more parents asking for materials. The Batavia Library is hosting a book club meeting in Sycamore Park. Book bundle displays are being done across the system. Librari*Con will be held virtually this year November 6-7. The Science Fair also will be virtual in 2021.

Online programming statistics indicate craft, maker programs and reader advisory items are the most popular. Ms. Wick has directed staff to continue online programming through the winter of 2021. A Zoom account has been purchased for programming. The first program was the Pet Parade. Target emails will start to be used to contact patrons to keep them engaged with the Library. A live chat has been added to the website, which is a great service because patrons can get answers to many questions when the Library is closed. The Clermont County Ohio Governor’s Imagination Library now has more than 2,500 children registered. More money is being donated to support the Imagination Library.

Each branch will receive exterior book lockers. Each branch will receive at least two units.  Larger branches will receive additional units. A draft of the strategic plan was included in the board’s packet and Ms. Wick said the plan is written to be adaptable and flexible as changes are required in the next few years, especially due to the pandemic. She asked for the board’s support. There will be no staff development day in 2020, however, a Health Fair will be held October 5 at the Owensville Branch. Ms. Wick included circulation statistics and door counts in the board packet. A list of board meeting dates for 2021 as well as the holiday schedule and the 2019 Annual Report is included in the board packet.

Ms. Doss asked if book club meetings in parks would be expanded to other branches. Ms. Wick said other branches were encouraged to do something similar to Batavia’s book club meeting in Sycamore Park.

Mr. Bird asked if the board meetings could be opened to the public again. Ms. Wick said she would see if it is possible. The board agreed the public needs to be able to attend meetings. Ms. Wick reminded the board that the Library is still quarantining materials in branch meeting rooms. The Miami Township Branch has two meeting rooms, one is used for quarantine. The second room may not have enough space to allow everyone to successfully social distance. Ms. Wick will look at what other libraries are doing.

Ms. Lyons asked if digital check outs are up because of the pandemic. Ms. Wick said yes, but not as much as expected. One reason is a check out policy by the largest digital service, OverDrive, was changed so the number of check outs are not counted the same as in the past.


Motion by Mr. Bird, seconded by Ms. Doss, to approve Resolution R-2020-020: Acceptance of gifts to the Library: donations as listed. All present were in favor. Motion carried.

Motion by Ms. Waite, seconded by Ms. Doss, to approve Resolution R-2020-021: Disposal of unneeded or obsolete library material. Roll call vote: Mr. Cardinal, aye; Mr. Bird, aye; Ms. Lyons, aye; Ms. Waite, aye; Ms. Doss, aye. All present were in favor, none opposed. The resolution was adopted.

Motion by Mr. Bird, seconded by Ms. Waite, to approve Resolution R-2020-022: Establish new Fund and Appropriation. All present were in favor, none opposed. The resolution was adopted.

Ms. Wick discussed the Public Records Policy and its inclusion in the HR Policy Manual as required by the state auditor. The Public Records Policy was reviewed and approved by the prosecutor’s office.

Motion by Ms. Lyons, seconded by Ms. Doss, to approve the revision to the Public Records Policy. All present were in favor, none opposed. The resolution was adopted.

Motion Ms. Doss, seconded by Ms. Lyons, to include the Public Records Policy in the HR Policy Manual as required by the state auditor. All present were in favor, none opposed. The resolution was adopted.

Mr. Bird asked if any information was available about Ms. Kocica. No board or staff member had any updated information.

Mr. Bird asked how the search for the HR Director was going. Ms. Wick said they have not had any recent interviews for the position. She hopes to fill the position soon.

Mr. Bird said he is running for state representative and reminded board members that another board member will be needed if he is elected November 3. Ms. Lyons asked how the appointment process is conducted. Ms. Wick said the Library is not involved in the process because the commissioners and common pleas judges choose board members. Mr. Bird was appointed by the county commissioners.

Motion by Mr. Bird, seconded by Ms. Doss, to adjourn the meeting. All present were in favor, none opposed. The meeting adjourned at 6:40 p.m.


____________________________________                        ____________________________________

Board President                                                          Board Secretary




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