New Business and Job Search Tool

Calling all job seekers, entrepreneurs, and anyone curious about the world around them! The Clermont County Public Library now provides access to AtoZdatabases. This powerful tool is available for free, 24/7.

One-stop career shop

Explore this platform with more than 7 million real-time job listings. AtoZdatabases lets you search nationwide or hyper-local with city, state, or ZIP code specifics. Filter by keywords, company names, titles, or 27 industry categories to find your dream job.

Apply for full-time, part-time, internships, contracts, or temporary positions. Advanced options allow you to target ideal salary ranges, location radius, and more.

AtoZdatabases goes beyond listings. Leverage resources like resume and cover letter templates and interview tips. Explore videos to help you ace that interview! Gain confidence by researching potential employers including HR contacts.

Business savvy at your fingertips

AtoZdatabases isn’t only for job seekers. It’s a goldmine for entrepreneurs and anyone with a business mind. Dive into a comprehensive database of over 65 million U.S. businesses and executives.

Gain valuable insights like industry specifics, employee size, sales volume, competitor information, executive details, and historical data. Refine your search by geography, industry, ownership, and keywords.

Power of personal information

Are you looking for old friends or curious about your neighborhood? AtoZdatabases’ residential database (used ethically and following privacy laws) allows you to search for individuals by name, location, phone number, and even interests/hobbies/lifestyles.

Beyond the Basics

AtoZdatabases offers a treasure trove beyond these highlights. Explore information about healthcare professionals, new businesses, new movers and homeowners, and more. You can download this information; print it, or email it in various formats for your convenience.

The Clermont County Public Library puts the power of AtoZdatabases in your hands.