Clermont County Library Blog

Mysteries by Black Authors

Celebrate Black History Month by reading mystery books written by Black authors featuring Black characters.
Hands above a desk covered with craft supplies like pliers and twine

Find Your New Passion During National Hobby Month

January is National Hobby Month which makes it the right time to perfect your hobby or find a new one with resources from the Library.
Plants and garden tools
Close up of a person's hand as they write with a pen in a journal

Top Writing Tips to Beat Writer’s Block

5 top tips to help beat writer's block.
Cozy romance reads

Holiday Romances to Cozy up with

There's nothing quite like curling up with a good book. And what better time to indulge in a romantic tale than during the most wonderful time of the year?

6 Enchanting Cottagecore Fantasy Books

Looking for cozy reading? Try one of these enchanting cottagecore fantasy novels.
woman sitting down with headphones on and holding a tablet

12 Fantastic Reasons to Listen to Audiobooks

Listen to audiobooks during National Audiobook Month for a different and fun way to enjoy books.

New Business and Job Search Tool

A new business and job search tool, AtoZdatabases, is now available from the Library.

Celebrating Older Americans

This May, the Clermont County Public Library joins the nation in celebrating Older Americans Month with the theme "Powered by Connection."
Older Black woman smiling as she uses a desktop computer in the library.

NaNoWriMo – National Novel Writing Month Is Here

NaNoWriMo is a terrific way to jumpstart your writing! The Library offers encouragement and resources to help meet that writing goal.

Veterans Day Remembrance

Chris Rich, branch manager, shares his remembrances about veterans and his involvement with the Veterans History Project.