Job Search Information

Digital resources

American Graduate – Getting to Work: A program designed to educate students and young adults about the skilled jobs local employers need to fill that require some training or education beyond high school, but not a four-year degree. The program also will connect interested young people with the training and educational pathways that lead to these high-demand skilled careers in industries like construction, healthcare, information technology, manufacturing, transportation, and logistics. American Graduate – Getting to Work is provided by CET, public television, and funded by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.

AtoZdatabases: Online tool for job seekers and entrepreneurs. Includes: more than 7 million job listings, job search tips, business profiles with contact details, and residential databases.

LinkedIn Learning for Library: Over 12,000 courses, ranging from computer programming to project management including instruction on various computer software, programming languages, and business topics. Learning paths are step-by-step structured courses, supported with quizzes, practice, and learning reminders to encourage you and support you as you make progress toward your goal.

Ohio Means Jobs: Provides Ohioans with the ability to locate jobs throughout the state and to aid employers in finding qualified employees. The website allows individuals to access his or her skills, search for jobs, and post his or her resume. The website allows employers to search through resumes, post jobs for Ohio job seekers, and find programs to improve their workforce. Users create an account to access the website’s service.

Regional Business News: Articles from over 75 business journals, newspapers, and newswires, covering all metropolitan and rural areas within the United States.

Vocational and Career Collection: Provides full-text coverage for nearly 350 trade and industry-related periodicals including American Machinist, Pediatric Nursing, Wireless Week, Drug Store News, Video Business, Reeves Journal, Hotel, and Motel Management, Restaurant Business, Advertising Age, and much more.