Minutes: March 2019




MARCH 18, 2019



Present: Joseph Braun, M. E. Steele-Pierce, Tony Cardinal, Judith Kocica, Adam Bird, Mary Jo Waite

Absent: Tricia Lyons

Staff:  Chris Wick, Leslie Jacobs, Maura Gray, Theresa Herron, Marcia Troknya, Melanie Smithey, Tracey McCullough, Laurie Henry, Andrea Brofft, Amy Buskey, Robb Hirschauer, Lynn Baird, Vivian Keesee, Emily Wichman, Jessica Bell

Dr. Steele-Pierce called the meeting to order at 6:01 p.m.


Roll Call: Dr. Steele-Pierce, here; Tony Cardinal, here; Adam Bird, here; Judith Kocica, here; Joseph Braun, here; Mary Jo Waite, here.

Everyone rose to recite the Pledge of Allegiance.

Swearing In Of New Board Member:

Dr. Steele-Pierce welcomed and introduced Mr. Bird and Ms. Waite.  Ms. Waite was sworn in by Mr. Braun to fill the vacancy of Mr. Pautke.  Mr. Bird was previously sworn in by Mr. Braun on January 30, 2019 to fill the vacancy of Ms. Pryor.


Dr. Steele-Pierce asked for amendments, corrections or additions to the January 11, 2019 minutes.  No revisions were submitted.

Mr. Cardinal made a motion to approve the January 11, 2019 minutes, as mailed.  Mr. Braun seconded the motion.  All present were in favor, with the exception of Mr. Bird and Ms. Waite, who abstained. The motion was adopted and the minutes were approved.


Dr. Steele-Pierce invited any public matters to be brought forth to the board.  No discussion occurred.


Ms. Gray submitted the January and February financial reports which consisted of: the bank reconciliation; the check register; the MTD and YTD Fund Reports; the MTD and YTD Bank Reports; the System Balancing Report; and the PLF Report.  Ms. Gray stated that the PLF is approximately $22,000 below the state estimate.

Ms. Kocica made a motion to approve the January and February financial reports.  Mr. Cardinal seconded the motion.  All present were in favor, none opposed. The motion was adopted.

Mr. Braun made a motion to approve the January and February bills, as listed.  Mr. Bird seconded the motion.  All present were in favor, none opposed. The motion was adopted.


Ms. Wick discussed the Director’s report.

Ms. Wick stated that the Library will be meeting with a representative from Innovative Interfaces, Inc.  to discuss the programming and accessibility of information in the circulation database.  Mr. Cardinal stated that he will also be in attendance for the meeting.  Ms. Wick stated that currently the Library does not have a schedule for routine maintenance on the database and they will be looking at implementing a schedule going forward. Ms. Wick stated that the a/v fine discussion and the Welcome Back initiative will be put on hold.

Ms. Wick stated that a representative from the Ohio Library Council (OLC) will be attending a future board meeting to discuss the possibility of membership with OLC.

Ms. Wick reviewed Governor DeWine’s March 15th statement of priorities for the upcoming budget year.  Ms. Wick praised the library staff for their continued work on these initiatives through programming and community outreach.

Ms. Wick and Dr. Steele-Pierce met with Brian Vickers and Kathy Turner, Batavia Village Council members, to tour the Batavia branch on March 18th.  Mr. Vickers and Ms. Turner suggested a regular library column in the village newspaper and additional usage of the village sign to highlight library events.

Ms. Wick commented on successful library programming.

Usage Statistics:

Ms. Wick discussed the library usage statistics.  The submitted report was a detailed comparison of the last four years.  She stated that circulation has increased from last year and that programming attendance, a cornerstone for the library, continues to rise.  Door counts and computer usage at the branches continue to decrease, however, digital circulation has gone up significantly.



Mr. Braun made a motion to approve Resolution R-2019-09: Acceptance of gifts to the library: donations as listed.  Ms. Kocica seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Dr. Steele-Pierce, aye; Mr. Cardinal, aye; Mr. Bird, aye; Ms. Kocica, aye; Mr. Braun, aye; Ms. Waite, aye.   All present were in favor, none opposed. The resolution was adopted.

Mr. Cardinal made a motion to approve Resolution R-2019-10: Disposal of unneeded or obsolete library material.  Mr. Braun seconded the motion.  Roll call vote: Dr. Steele-Pierce, aye; Mr. Cardinal, aye; Mr. Bird, aye; Ms. Kocica, aye; Mr. Braun, aye; Ms. Waite, aye.   All present were in favor, none opposed. The resolution was adopted.

Ms. Kocica made a motion of approve Resolution R-2019-11: Amend the appropriation in the General Fund.   Mr. Cardinal seconded the motion.  All present were in favor, none opposed.  The resolution was adopted.

Mr. Bird made a motion to adjourn.  Mr. Cardinal seconded the motion. All present were in favor, none opposed. The meeting adjourned at 6:45 p.m.





____________________________________                        _______________________________________

Board President                                                                            Board Secretary




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